Sunday, August 09, 2009

Wedding Drums

Angeline assumed that music she had heard at Hannah's Wedding was made by this type of musical instrument called the 'Wedding Drums'. Angeline's first wedding of August was graced by the wedding bells and the second was complimented by wedding drums. Angeline wishes that all her friends will have a fairy tale ending to their love story.

Angeline and Albert attended Hannah and Alfa's wedding on 8th August 2009 at Pending Community Centre (Bukit Panjang). This was Angeline and Albert's first Malay wedding. True enough, it was indeed an eye-opener for them, as they experienced the Malay wedding tradition and customs. Maybe this is the first and the last Malay wedding for them, because most of Angeline's Malay friends are married. Good news for Angeline la!

P/S: Angeline didn't take a lot of photographs because she don't know if it was appropriate.
P/P/S: Angeline don't know where is Albert looking at.
P/P/P/S: Angeline did take photographs with the newly weds but they are with them at the moment.

Wedding Bells

At St Theresa's Church, the wedding bells rang for Anthony and Lissa on 1st August 2009. Together with the rest of the Vanda colleagues, Angeline attended this holy matrimony of the couple.

The entire ceremony lasted for about an hour, including the exchanging of wedding vows and rings, signing the marriage certificate and the Catholic mass. After the ceremony, Angeline is beginning to believe that all women indeed are at their most beautiful moment when they are wearing this dress called the 'Wedding Gown'. Lissa was indeed so beautiful on 1st August 2009.

All the guests were invited for lunch reception at the Church after the ceremony. Maybe the best part of the wedding was still the lunch reception. Angeline did not deny that the walk-in was equally impressive!

As the wedding ended in the early afternoon, the girls went to Great World City for coffee and shopping. It had been a while since Angeline got to enjoy a lazy, bitchy and relaxing afternoon with her girls. Thumbs up!

P/S: Lissa also looked good other than on 1st August 2009 la!
P/P/S: There are more weddings to come for 2009!