- LJWS refers to Lissa, Jamilah, Wahila and Shu Ping.
- Gastronomia was spelled as Gastronmia in the photoshop collage because Angeline was too lazy to change.
- Gastronomia is NOT located at Serene Centre as mentioned on the photoshop collage, so please do NOT go looking for it there.
Angeline and LJWS ordered 3 slices of Pizza (Mushroom, Salmon & Beef), Pasta Salad, Butternut Pumpkin, Beef Goulash and Yoghurt Bread Crumble for sharing. Angeline forgot the total cost, she only rememebered that the 5 of them had paid S$12.50 each. If you still don't know the total cost, Angeline suggests that you can hire her as your private tutor.
Angeline love the food and she will give 3 out of 5 stars happily. Angeline even intended to drag Ck to dine there today. As a matter of fact, Ck is more of the 'Cheena' food person. Angeline really like the concept of the place. Customers just have to go to the counter to order the food, pay for their purchase, find a seat outdoors and start eating. Angeline thinks that it is something similar to the Alfresco dining concept in Europe. But honestly, it is really just a HIGHER class fast food place. WAHAHA! Don't chey Angeline la!
As usual, LJWS could not touch the yummy-looking food until Angeline had her photos taken. In fact, Angeline thought she was very kind to take lovely photos of them and she doesn't mind being the last one to eat. Don't chey Angeline again la! Honestly? Angeline knew she was just being vain. HAPPY?

The MOST Pretty One at Gastronomia - KIDDING LA!
J paid for dinner at the counter. As usual, Angeline and LWS said "THANK YOU" to her promptly. Too bad, she didn't get the hint literally. So in the end, Angeline and LWS still had to paid S$12.50. The evidence is as follow:
J was collecting money from all her debtors, Angeline and LWS.
After all the drama, everyone decided to eat their dinner. Well, maybe everyone except Angeline. She continued to take more 'natural' pictures of the 4 beauties.

W and L were listening to S's exchange of widsom - FINE! The more layman's term = Gossip la!
L and S's turn to listen to W's exchange of wisdom. Do NOT make me repeat.
Honestly speaking, Angeline knew that she was running the risk of being murdered ruthlessly by LJWS. She took such unglamourous photos of them and published it online literally. To think Angeline still could claim that she is a good photographer. Don't chey Angeline again and again la! To prove herself right, please scroll down to see the MOST 'natural' photographs of the 4 beauties and not forgetting, the MOST pretty one.

W and L's Sensodyne Smile - W thought that Angeline has that kind of smile whenever she takes photos, therefore the nickname appeared.

Angeline and S's Sensodyne Smile - Angeline thought they looked quite alike.
Angeline and J's Sensodyne Smile - Angeline didn't photoshop this photo but the effect is already there. *bish*
Since the topic was focused on 'photography', Angeline shared with the 4 beauties that everyone got a better looking side. As usual, they don't believe Angeline's words. What to do? Angeline had to prove them right again. Angeline took the right and left sides of J and S. Once again, what to do? Angeline is RIGHT!

J's Left Side
J's Right Side
S's Left Side
S's Right Side
So, the question is J looks better on the right or left? And, the next question is what about S? To Angeline, it doesn't matter because it is not HER right or left. Chey Angeline again. It is okay. Angeline is getting used to it.
One good news (or maybe not so good) for LJWS, Angeline had photoshopped the gathering at Gastronomia.
- L - I really added the most unglamourous photo of you here.
- J - I thought you love the most sensual photo that you have taken on that day.
- W - I rememered that you agree to take that photo, so here it is.
- S - You really don't look werid la.
Angeline is quite happy with her work. HURRAY!

The 4 Beauties and The Most Pretty
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