Angeline is getting worried that Ck might find out. Fortunately, Ck doesn't read Angeline's blog, which means Ck will never find out unless someone reads this and informs him.

Self-induced hangover = $200.00
Broken crockery = $400.00
Breakfast = $10.00
Saying the Right Thing While Drunk = 'PRICELESS'!
Indeed, there are truly some things that money can't buy.
Angeline went out with F.I.R.E. for Italian food at Greenwood Avenue. As usual, Angeline was late and the girls were looking for a restaurant to dine-in. After taking a walk around Greenwood Avenue, the girls still couldn't decide between 'Fish Market' or 'Peperoni'. Eventurally, it was the 6 years old Maia who helped the girls to decide. Oh well! Angeline has presumed that they would dine at Peperoni every time (without fail) whenever they are at Greenwood Avenue.
Just in case you are wondering (for public) or unable to identify yourself (for F.I.R.E.),
F = Flirty Wahila
I = Irresistible Shu Ping
R = Radiant Jamilah
E = Exotic Lissa
Without much thinking, the 'D' naturally refers to Angeline and it stands for Dazzling Angeline. Honestly, these were NOT the initial meaning for the acronyms. F.I.R.E.D. have brainstormed and debated and discussed before they decided on theirs. As for Angeline, she decided on hers as this entry was being typed. Trust Angeline, the debate was definitely neccessary because the initial meaning were mostly negative and extremely disturbing for Lissa.
F = Frosty, Funny, Flamboyant, Fashionable* & Friendly*
I = Incorrigible, Interesting, Independent*, Incredible* & Impressive*
R = Ready-to-go, Robust, Rational*, Resolute* & Responsive*
E = ENOUGH ALREADY, Evil, Eggplant, Elephant* & Emotional*
D = Destructive, Disturbing, Dramatic, Determinded*, & Difficult*
Those words that are marked with (*) are added by Angeline.
The photograph on the bottom right was taken under extreme conditions. Angeline suggested Flirty Wa and Irresistible Shu Ping to take a photograph together. Reflex has it that the girls moved closer to each other and started to pose for the camera.
Flirty Wa: Do the slutty pose la!
Irresistible Shu Ping: Huh? (turned around and gave the digusted look when she saw Flirty Wa's pose).
The rest of the girls burst into laughter immediately and Angeline asked them to strike the pose again. It was taken successfully after 3 attempts as Angeline couldn't steady her hands. Obligingly, Flirty Wa and Irresistible Shu Ping posed for 3 times, with each time giving the same expression. Angeline was thinking, "Irresistible Shu Ping must be really digusted with Flirty Wa's slutty pose."
As the girls have been dining at Peperoni whenever they are at Greenwood, it got Angeline wondering why is that so. After thinking long and hard, there could be two solid reasons (prehaps).
Peperoni at Greenwood Avenue is highly recommended for its pizzas.
Peperoni at Greenwood Avenue is also highly recommended for being a child-friendly restaurant.