Friday, October 13, 2006

[ trYinG tO gEt mY phOto uPloaD? ]

hm.. i had loaded a picture of myself up on this blog.. so that i could cut n paste the URL onto my profile settings.. so that i could have my photo appearing on my blog.. argh.. what the hack is that supposed to mean.. totally feel that it is a waste of my efforts.. n worst still.. i am just doing a trial n error.. no idea if it is gng to work.. argh.. it better.. or else.. haha.. grins..

CK & i at the zoo.. not exactly a photo of MYSELF.. haha..

well.. let hope its gng to work.. cheers.. =)

[ i nEed hElp? ]

erm.. i need help.. i seriously do.. i have no idea how to put a comment box or wat do u call that box again.. argh.. some bloody box that u can leave comments.. or rather for friends to drop messages.. argh.. no idea.. what is that bloody box called.. anyone got any idea how to get that up on my blog.. pls contact me directly at either my cellphone or msn.. thanks.. =)

oh ya.. another thing.. how to change the desgin of the blog? i tried to look it up? i think it is called skin or somewhat similar.. damn.. cant find the one that i want.. if u happened to see one that u think that suits me.. pls contact me ASAP.. thank u.. thank u.. thank u.. =)

last thing.. i also want to add pictures to my profile.. hm.. but cant seems to do it.. supposingly yo upload it to a URL.. huh? what on the hell does that mean? i READ the [HELP] pop-up.. my gosh.. they are sure good at making me more confused.. argh.. u know what kind of help i need right.. thanks..

haha.. i know i am an IT idert.. sounds like i am quite desperate for help.. WHICH I REALLY AM.. n because only my close friends got access to this webby.. so its okie.. i am not conscious to publish this post.. haha.. everyone knows that i am not IT savvy.. haha.. =)

thanks.. cheers.. =)