The less sleep you get, the higher your body mass index tends to be, as your body produces more ghrelin (a hormone that boosts hunger) and less leptin (which suppresses it). - This reason is good enough to make me run straight to my bed NOW.
Sleep plays a key role in making new memories stick in the brain. - For what so ever reason, the image of Joelle's new thumbdrive inserted into my brain just appeared. Strange!
3. It can fight colds, ulcers and even cancer.
Good sleep boosts the immune system. Melatonin (a cancer-fighting antioxidant) is produced when you sleep. Also, the chemical to repair damage to the stomah lining is secreted during sleep, so staying up regularly could raise your risk of ulcers. - This implies that doctors just have to ask their patients to go to sleep and when they wake up, everything will be fine. Amazing!
4. It can slow down ageing.
Persistent sleep debt affects carbohydrate metabolism and hormone function in a way that may increase the severity of age-related chronic disorders. - Wow! It's definitely the healthiest, cheapest and enjoyable alternative to Botox.

5. It could keep you orderly.
The depression and low self-esteem often assoicated with just being a teenage actually correlate with sleep shortage. - Gosh! I just realized I could have been a victim of depression. Scary!

Good sleep boosts the immune system. Melatonin (a cancer-fighting antioxidant) is produced when you sleep. Also, the chemical to repair damage to the stomah lining is secreted during sleep, so staying up regularly could raise your risk of ulcers. - This implies that doctors just have to ask their patients to go to sleep and when they wake up, everything will be fine. Amazing!

Persistent sleep debt affects carbohydrate metabolism and hormone function in a way that may increase the severity of age-related chronic disorders. - Wow! It's definitely the healthiest, cheapest and enjoyable alternative to Botox.

5. It could keep you orderly.
The depression and low self-esteem often assoicated with just being a teenage actually correlate with sleep shortage. - Gosh! I just realized I could have been a victim of depression. Scary!
I read the above article from Reader's Digest (Novemer 2007). Now I really feel like sleeping!