tuesday afternoon.. gng for my late duty soon.. thought i could blog for a while.. not feeling too good.. just went to the doctor earlier on.. got gastric problems again.. popped over the clinic to get some pills.. started yesterday morning.. but stubbornly refused to consult a doctor.. took some painkillers to numb the pain.. but unfortunately.. the pain got the better of me.. in the end.. well.. haha..
went out on sunday with Alpha (my 4th uncle's gf's son).. as mentioned in the earlier entry.. hm.. took him to IMM & Forum.. picked him up ard 3.15pm.. went for my pedicure.. thus i was slightly later than the appointed time.. haha.. since he wanted to go to the playground on the second level at IMM.. brought him there to play for a while.. hm.. but that boy played for less than 5 mins.. haha.. then he saw this young boy wearing the Power Ranger t-shirt n got scared.. n refused to play anymore.. no choice.. i still thought i can have some time to relax n watch him play.. haha.. brought him downstairs to Gaint Hypermart to look at Thomas & Friends.. because he loves them so much.. hm.. apparenly.. it was Brighton who told me to go n look for it there.. we bumped into her as we made our way down.. what a coincidence.. it is always nice to see friends when u least expected them to be.. hee.. walked ard with Brighton n Alpha.. n that boy saw a Thomas & Friends train set that costs 80 bucks n insisted on getting it.. luckily for me.. Brighton managed to coax him out of it.. i nearly wanted to buy him that.. haha.. then decided to bring him to Forum.. as ck is ready to go out.. we met up at Forum.. phew..
ck was already at Forum when we arrived.. walked ard the mall for more Thomas & Friends.. haha.. now.. he wanted a train set that cost over hundreds.. my goodness.. y are kids' toys so expensive now.. ck was the firm one.. he explained to Alpha that he could not possibly buy something everytime he goes out.. n he asked the boy to apologise to me for bullying me.. haha.. but guess what.. in the end.. i still bought him a train.. it was a red one called James.. haha.. no idea what it was anyway.. the only thing i know is it costs me S$24.90.. argh.. so expensive.. just for a TRAIN.. argh..
went over to my uncle's house for dinner.. it was fabulous.. his gf cooked tom yum soup.. fish.. vegetables.. n other stuff.. oh ya.. the gf is from Thailand.. so we are all eating their LOCAL food.. wow.. felt super good.. as though i am back in Bangkok again.. haha.. watched the movie 'Fast & Furious' after dinner.. quite good.. the drift was so chio.. wow.. the close-up was fantastic.. haha.. enjoyed it tremendously.. headed home after a long day.. babysitting wasnt as easier as i had imagined.. although i had 10 children to myself every day.. but taking care of one 24/7 is no kid man.. really.. i swear.. i salute all single mums.. cheers..
decided to add gwendolyn's photo here.. haha.. because just took a candid shot of her dancing in class.. its was so CUTE.. hehe..

Gwendolyn dancing happily in class.. cheers.. =)

Gwendolyn posing for the camera after the dance.. cheese!
right.. gotta go.. have a good week to all.. cheers.. =)