The K2 Graduates with Ms Gu, Ms Jo & Ms Priya

Gwendolyn presented the token of appreciation to Ms Heather

PN Lilies - 'L.O.V.E.'

N1 Lilac - 'CHou Xiao Ya'

N1 Lilac - 'The Fire Truck'

N2 Tulips - 'Wa Wa Bing'

N2 Tulips - 'Hi He Lo Me Lo'

N2 Violets - 'Hey Mickey'

K1 - 'San Zhi Hu Die'
K1 - 'Move Your Body'
K2 - 'Fan Dance'
K2 - 'We Go Together'Finale - 'Wo Ai Xi Zhao'
Once again.. I will like to say that this concert had been a wonderfully FANTASTIC success.. we had received very positive feedback from parents and they were thrilled to attend the concert.. the children had enjoyed the performance.. all the hard work for the past few months was all worth it! Three cheers to Vanda! Hip Hip Hurray! Hip Hip Hurray! Hip Hip Hurray!