The Beef Lasagna

CK & I in the car
Now I am finally 23.. I have millions of wishes waiting to come true! SO I AM GNG TO WORK HARD TO ACHIEVE ALL OF THEM! cheers.. =)
The Beef Lasagna
CK & I in the car
Donovan & Claudia & Joshua
Birthday Boy (Joshua) & I
And I realised that my class was actually HAPPY to see me on a SUNDAY.. i dun understand y at all.. they came foward and greeted me when they saw me.. and turned to tell their friends that I had arrived.. huh? kids is the only answer that I could find.. but I was very sure that they had great fun playing the games.. I cant really understand the meaning of the games at all.. I supposed they were meant to entertain the children.. one game requires the two groups of children to change one of their friend into the MacDonald's uniform.. and the winner would be the first one who got dressed.. (NOTE: THE UNIFORM IS ADULT SIZE.. AND MY CHILDREN ARE ALL 4 YEARS OLD).. well.. once again.. I HAPPILY presumed that it was all for the sake of FUN!
The children were playing games!
Matilda & I at the Party
MUM MUM TIME!! the children rushed back to their seats and waited to be served.. of course they WERE JUBILANT.. anyone would be.. they could choose MacNuggets or Fish Dippers for the main course.. the French Fries or Corn Cup or Apple Dippers for side orders and Milk (NO ONE CHOOSE THAT) or Apple Juice or Milo for drinks.. wow.. they were SO SO SO HAPPY.. wahaha.. and of course I HELPED them.. went over to volunteer my professional services to the parents.. settled the children down and prepared the sauces for them.. I felt that I WAS WORKING!
The children were having a BALL!
TIME TO CUT THE CAKE! the lights went off and the MacDonald's crew played the birthday song and brought the cake in.. the children were so excited.. jumping up and down in joy.. screaming their heads off.. and well.. being the TEACHER.. my threshold of noise is unreasonably low.. so I SAID [ALRIGHT[.. and there was SLIENCE.. no one said anything after that.. I WAS SO EMBARRASSED.. however the parents were so amazed with the magic word that work on their children.. **grin**
PR with my parents as well.. talked abt next year placement.. their children's developement.. current issues.. and disciplinary problems.. saw a different side of them while they WERE NOT in school.. more relaxed.. more easy-going.. more approachable.. and Claudia (Joshua's mum) joked with me.. asked me how did I manage to handle all of them every day.. haha.. and to serve them 3 times a day (morning snack + lnuch + afternoon snack).. I dunno.. part of my work i guess.. cheers..
Left shortly after that.. need to pick up my parents for dinner.. I guess Joshua LOVE the birthday present that I chose for him.. it was a Thomas & Friends' Bag.. because he brought it to school on Tuesday.. wahaha.. cheers.. =)
Joshua & Ye Joon
Lay Sim & SausanTan Jing & George