Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Beauty and Brains doesn't come together
Angeline is feeling blissful
A romantic date with Ck
Angeline and Ck went to Singapore Changi Airport Terminal 2 on Sunday with the intention of drinking coffee. The initial plan was to head to Terminal 3 but Ck got disappointed when Carpark 3A and 3B didn't offer him any parking lot when he entered. As a result, he made a u-turn and headed towards Carpark 2A instead. Indeed, the carpark has welcomed him with many available lots. Angeline thus assumed that Ck is pleased that he didn't have to wait for one.
As Angeline has brought the laptop along, it indicated that she is interested to do some Photshop with it. This left Ck with nothing to do except to stare at her doing Photoshop. Being the romantic girlfriend, how could Angeline let Ck do that? Angeline then suggested to go to the bookstore to browse through the books and see if Ck is interested to get anything to read. In the end, Angeline and Ck walked out with a book each. If you are thinking that they got a book each for themselves, you are wrong. Angeline got Ck a book and Ck got Angeline a book. Romantic, isn't it? Honestly, the books were brought to ease each other's guilt about buying books.

Ck's Book - Bad Luck and Trouble by Lee Child (Angeline thinks that Ck has read all his books too.)
After all the blah-blah, Angeline and Ck settled down happily at the all children's paradise, MacDonald's. Since the two of them weren't that hungry, they decided to get a drink each. Since Angeline will suffer from insomina if she takes coffee too late (time check - 9.30pm = 3 hours before bedtime), she decided to opt for hot Milo instead. This got Angeline wondering if she is aging faster that she has expected. She heard this symptom from her ex-colleague before. Apparently, the ex-colleague has suffered from insomnia and only managed to fall asleep at 4am when she consumed a cup of Latte from Coffee Bean at 4pm. Angeline is beginning to get more worried now as this did not happen to Ck who got his Latte. Nonethless, Angeline was too eager to read her novel that she pushed it to the back of the brain until NOW.
Ck's Latte and Angeline's Milo
After reading for about 20 minutes, Angeline got hungry and she decided to get herself a Happy Meal. She conveniently forgot that Happy Meal comes with a toy and she is stuck with it. If anyone is interested to get a 'something' (Angeline has no idea what is it) from Wins Club for your daughter, please contact Angeline.

The 'something' from MacDonald's Happy Meal
As Angeline was eating her Happy Meal, Ck suddenly looked up from his book and declared, "I am hungry too." Ck stood up and got himself a Chicken MacBurger. Angeline wondered how is she ever going to lose weight when she just got herself a Happy Meal for supper and with Ck's encouragement by eating together. Angeline thought that they were only going to drink coffee at Terminal 2. How could Angeline allow a coffee drinking session evolves into a supper eating session? Angeline shall continue to pray that U-zap works.
Money not enough!
For more information about the Earthquake Appeal, please log onto http://www.redcross.org.sg/chinaearthquake_src_donate.htm
Although Angeline is percieved as a food blogger who loves to source for good food and post entries about it, Angeline tries her best to be updated about happenings in the world. As suggested, this entry is about 四川地震. Angeline trusts that most of her friends are awared of this and she shall not bothered to give a detailed account of how many people were trapped, died, escaped or saved. If you really want to know, please go and buy the Straits Time to read. If you are really don't have 70 cents to spare, please tune into Channel NewsAsia, Channel 5 or 8 or even log onto the Internet to source for more information.
Then why is Angeline blogging about the 四川地震 then? The sudden event of the earthquake changed Angeline's perception of her own life to a certain extent. Of course earthquakes are sudden, you don't expect them to give you a courtesy call to inform you that they will be visiting you after all. Here Angeline is, complaining about her lowly paid job, the nonsense that she have to tolerate at work and after work, and everything that Angeline could find fault with, Angeline have not stopped for a second to wonder how are the survivors coping in 四川.
Why is Angeline still complaining when I have my loved ones with me?
Why is Angeline still complaining when I have a home to go back to?
Why is Angeline still complaining when I have friends to rely on?
Why is Angeline still complaining when I have a job?
Why is Angeline still complaining when I don't have to worry about the next day?
Angeline indeed does not know better. But there are indeed people who have more than Angeline, for example, a higher income, landed property, luxurious car, and the list goes on. Angeline suddenly remembered an idiom that she learnt before, "比上不足,比下有余". To put it simply, when you compared yourself against someone stronger, you are not good enough. However, when you compared yourself against someone weaker, you have more than enough. What is the moral of the story? Angeline thinks it is contentment. Angeline shall learn to be contented with what she has and learn to cherish and treasure them. This is the difference between knowing it and practicising it. Angeline is still learning.
Angeline told you that she would be able to stun you with her Mandarin. Look at that idiom. Isn't that amazing (considering it comes from Angeline)?