Just knocked off.. surprise isnt it.. I am suposed to be on my LONG ANNUAL LEAVE till next year January.. but I had decided to work part time for my finanical advisor as a personal assistant.. try a different job perspective.. cheers.. =)
Today is my first day at work.. still trying to get used to it.. basically my job at IPP is to handle the never ending paperwork.. enter the database.. make calls to underwriters & insurance companies as well as prospective clients for Pauline (my financial advisor).. to add on.. I will be working with another financial advisor, Aaron as well.. I havent met him yet.. he didnt come to the office today.. most prob.. I will see him tml.. my work partners will rotate between Pauline and Aaron for the next 4 weeks for so.. but I am beginning to enjoy my job already.. ppl at IPP are relatively easy gng.. approachable and WELL GROOMED.. plus I saw a CUTE guy today.. haha.. motivation to go to work.. right I was just kidding.. CK gotta be the CUTEST one ard.. grins!
I am waiting for CK to knock off.. at Boat Quay's McDonald's.. got for myself a Ice Lemon Tea (Regular) and a Corn Cup (4.5 oz).. the paper on the tray caught my attention.. I was reading through the info when I got a shock.. for BIG BREAKFAST.. the total grams of FAT you actually consumed is 30 (which is equivalent to one day a person's healthy/ideal intake of FAT).. that means if you decide to eat the BIG BREAKFAST in the morning.. you can practically starve yourself the whole day.. unless you belong to those 'bamboo' category.. that you can afford to consume as many grams of FAT as you LIKE.. unfortunately.. I belong to the meaty category.. that implies no more BIG BREAKFAST for me.. well.. once in a while is still acceptable.. go for a run to burn if off.. for more info on the Nutrition Info on McDonald's food.. pls click http://www.mcdonalds.com.sg/?q=nutritional_info.. cheers.. =)
Even as a kid.. I was always captivated by McDonald's latest advertisement.. I rememer asking my parents to buy me the famous MacDonald's Happy Meal.. so that I can get the promotional toy.. I guess things are still quite the same.. when I bring my nephew out to eat at McDonald's.. he will request to eat the Happy Meal just to get the toy.. haha.. fair enough.. that toy not only appeal to the children.. I believe it has the same effect on adults as well.. just to quote one significant example = The Hello Kitty Craze.. ring any bells? I am quite positive that it does.. the overnight queues and the riots over the toys are popular headlines on the newspapers.. I just checked the website for the latest promotions by McDonald's.. the company had introduced toys that caters to the boys and girls locally.. no wonder they are opening one branch after another.. =)

The new promotion from McDonald's
(Obvious Targets = CHILDREN & Invisible Targets = Parents because they PAY)
Bonus for consumers is that McDonald's has 24/7 delivery service.. ppl who want to eat McDonald's at wee hours doesnt even have to step out of your house looking for a 24-hr branch.. simply dial 6777 3777 & you get HOT meals sending to your doorstep.. wow.. isnt that great.. ya.. n contribute more to your unhealthy intake of FAT! (what's more is SUPPER! wahaha!!!)
Enough said.. I am going to eat my favourite chicken rice at Chinatown when CK arrives.. hopefully soon.. I am so thankful for this laptop that has been keeping me company for the past hour.. **muacks**