GwEnDolYn tRYiNg to drINk thE hOt miLo.. **sLUrP slUrP** gWenDolYn bLowiNG the Hot mIlO.. **wHoo wHOo**
gweNdoLYn sMiLiNg haPPily aS shE dRinKeD hEr Milo.. **hee hee**
overslept today.. so took a cabby to work.. walked out to the main road to get a cab.. then i saw this MPV cab.. i was thinking whether it will stop if i flag for it.. haiya.. anyway i just tried.. wow.. it really stopped.. haha.. was a bit hesistant to board.. first of all.. it was a 7 seater MPV.. and there is only one ME.. haha.. i definitely dun need a MPV.. haha.. and i was thinking if the fare will be very expensive.. hm.. but no choice.. the uncle stopped right in front of me already.. so i boarded it.. cheers..
the uncle told me that he had chauffeured me before.. i was like "HUH?".. i dun even rem who is who.. haha.. i was very surprised.. but he was right.. he was able to tell me the exact location and the building that i was gng to.. totally amazed.. haha.. n i really the smell of a new car.. so niceeeeeee.. hee.. and the seat is really comfortable.. and HIGH.. i like the feeling.. hee.. the uncle also told me there are many other functions for the MPV.. haha.. impressive isnt it.. its must be my lucky day.. =)
sEE.. iSNt thE MPv Cool?
right.. gotta go.. its time to go back to do my documentation.. take care all.. bye.. cheers.. =)