Class ended promptly at 9.30pm last night at Learning Capital (Shenton Way). As usual, the 4 girls (Sat, Marlinda, Hannah and I) made our way to the porch to wait for Ah Bung (Marlinda's hubby) and Alfa (Hannah's boyfriend). FIY, Sat and I always hitch a ride from Alfa to go home. As Komala's assignment (Advanced Studies in Language and Literacy) is due in a week's time and ALL of us are super stressed out (we haven't even started), Marlinda suggested eating satay to help us to de-stress first. What is that syndrome called again? Argh! I forgot! Ha!
After much consideration, Lau Pa Sat is really inconvenient for us (because it's hard to find parking lots for 2 cars). Therefore, we decided to try this makan place at Tanjong Pagar Railway Station (as recommended by Alfa and Hannah). We reached there, parked the 2 cars and sat down at the table within minutes. REALLY la! Alfa was telling me that we were actually stepping on Malaysia's soil (the land that is surrounded by the fence of Tanjong Pagar Railway Station). Woohoo! I don't even need my passport! I am a mountain turtle (ignorant)? But you know anot?
After much consideration, Lau Pa Sat is really inconvenient for us (because it's hard to find parking lots for 2 cars). Therefore, we decided to try this makan place at Tanjong Pagar Railway Station (as recommended by Alfa and Hannah). We reached there, parked the 2 cars and sat down at the table within minutes. REALLY la! Alfa was telling me that we were actually stepping on Malaysia's soil (the land that is surrounded by the fence of Tanjong Pagar Railway Station). Woohoo! I don't even need my passport! I am a mountain turtle (ignorant)? But you know anot?

Alfa and Hannah went to order the drinks, Ah Bung went to order satay while Sat, Marling and I stayed to 'jagar' the table. When the food came, I shouted, "WAIT! I want to take pictures first." Ha! That is because I always forgot to take the photos whenever I see food. Therefore, most of the previous photos are usually the leftovers. Ha! BUT I REMEMBERED this time.
Angeline (aka Aisha) love the satay at the makan place. WOOHOO! The ayam (chicken) satay is SUPER tender and juicy! Not forgetting, my all-time favourite kambing (mutton) satay tasted equally yummy-licious! Yeah! I found another good spot for supper (it means more fats will find their way to my already-very-fat body)! Oh! I so hate it!

Satay - Ayam & Kambing
If satay is not enough for you, try the Indian Rojak too! And it is CHEAP (I mean it!) too! For a piece of tau hu, fish cake, fish fillet, squid, tempeh (fermented soya beans), kantang (potato) and an egg, it costs us only S$6.00! Woohoo!

The Chip (I mean Cheap) Indian Rojak
This was also the FIRST outing that the 4 girls had. Not surprisingly, the camera went 'click' & 'click' & 'click' most of the times. Ha! I also insisted that the 2 guys take a photo together (because they were talking to each other the whole night, as though the girls were invisible, and I wonder why?). I suddenly remembered the movie, 'I pronounce you Cluck and Larry' that I had watched last weekend with Ck. *shrugs*

Sat, Marlinda, Hannah & I

Me & Hannah

Sat & Hannah

Ah Bung & Marlinda

Hannah & Alfa

Alfa & Ah Bung
Angeline (aka Aisha) went home FULL (I must have put on at least 2 pounds) & SATISFIED (I just told Ck that I was craving for satay) & TIRED (as in mentally - because of the assignment).