A few months back, MCYS and MOE organized a seminar to introduce new education initiatives about Early Childhood Education at Sun Tec City Conference Hall. As usual, they were looking forward to the refreshment. However, they were taken aback with a pathetic variety of either chicken pies or eclairs to choose from. Angeline is beginning to wonder where have all the tax money gone.

Devilish Eclairs
Coffee with Milk
Oh-Tai was adding milk to her coffee.
Oh-Tai tried to act pleased with the variety of refreshment.
After the refreshment, everyone walked into the conference hall where the seminar was held. Angeline then whispered to Oh-Tai, "Should have taken lunch before we come." Oh well!
Before the start of the seminar, Angeline flashed her camera and invited Oh-Tai to cam-whore with her. Without a second doubt, Oh-Tai moved nearer and striked a pose with Angeline. Despite the pair was sitting at the first few rows, they acutally managed to stuck out their tongue in front of the camera. Thus, this implied that they have completely ignored the rest of the audience and the speaker on the stage. They soon got tired and were beginning to drift off to their La La Land.

Angeline and Oh-Tai being funny
As mentioned, anyone would have expect the pair to fall asleep at the semniar once again. WRONG! In the end, Angeline and Oh-Tai didn't fall asleep because the presentation by the representative from MOE was intriguing and it only lasted for about 20 minutes. The rest of the hour was allocated for Questions and Answers (Q & A), where many participated enthusiastically. This managed to keep both Angeline and Oh-Tai awake because the main focus of the Q & A was early childhood educators' salaries. To their utter disappointment, both Ministries did not comment much about any sign of salary increment.
After the semniar, Angeline is beginning to wonder if there is any job available for her in other professions. Angeline really can't survive very long in Early Childhood with that kind of miserable salary.
For more information about new education initiatives, please click http://www.moe.edu.sg/media/press/2008/03/improving-the-quality-of-presc.php. Thank you.
Food for thought by Angeline:
How can both Ministries expect Early Childhood educators to be better qualified without even increasing their basic salary first? Firstly, the educators won't be motivated to upgrade themselves if they don't see an increase in salary after they have obtained a higher level of qualification. Secondly, Angeline can bet that no one will ever be interested to join this profession by looking at the salary package. Thirdly, Angeline is asking both Ministries not to preach that this profession is all about caring and educating and the focus should not be on the salary. Angeline knew about this the moment she entered the profession. All she is asking is for the starting salary to be at least on par with other professions. It doesn't make sense for a Diploma graduate working in banking sector drawing a high salary of S$2300 as a start whereas a Diploma graduate from Early Childhood has to make to do with the merge pay of S$1600 (which is the HIGHEST in the field already). If Early Childhood educators are doing more than just educating or teaching the future generation, should we recieve more than the rest? Angeline strongly believe all Early Childhood educators deserve more than what they are getting at the moment. It is definitely time to re-consider again.
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