Have been calling parents to persuade them to register their child at the childcare.. but it seems rather challenging.. I won't say it is impossible.. but it requires some luck for that miracle to happen just with one phone call.. as well as for the enrollment to pick up for the better within this month.. so far.. I only have 5 children for the past 2 weeks.. I am beginning to wonder if this is the norm for a new childcare.. yeah.. no matter what.. I still have to get the children in for the school.. if not.. well.. let's say the directors will think I am incompetent..
That's the primary reason why I am feeling rather moody these few days.. have not been sleeping well.. kept thinking on more marketing strategies to sell the school.. I should have taken up a marketing degree instead.. haha.. make more sense for my position.. hm.. I guess I need to take a break to recharge myself..

The 4s - I stole the picture! [From L to R - Aaron, Albert, Alan, Alex]
CK's birthday is round the corner.. and I have bought him a new tie.. hee.. have prepared another surprise for him.. got his "zhu peng gou you" (I am referring to the Fantastic 4 - Marcus, JR, Wilson & Phil.. however.. they wun get a chance to see this entry.. haha..) to sign the birthday cards.. (yes la.. CARDS not CARD.. I know my grammar..) I have gotten each of them a postcard and they are supposed to sign it.. plus.. those cards from his poly mates (Aaron, Alex and Alan).. I refer to them as the 4 As.. because their names all begin with the letter 'A'.. AND I will collate all these cards and put them into a box and give it to CK as one of his birthday presents.. he is not supposed to know this.. but I guess he doesnt read my blog.. so ITS OKIE.. I was so tempted to tell him the surprise.. but I have to "tahan" until the big day.. cant wait to see his expression.. but I think he wun show much of it as well.. this boy is quite a cool cucumber.. yeah!
Proudly present the Fantastic 4.. [From L to R - Phil, Wilson, Marcus, JR]
Met up with the Fantastic 4 last night to sign the cards.. guess what.. the 4 of us (Me, Marcus, Wilson & JR) got a surprise (or shall I say SHOCK from Phil..) he brought his girlfriend (or at least we think so) along.. hm.. no comments.. I was just stunned.. because we didnt expect him to bring anyone other than himself.. haha.. not the "zhong diao".. but I had a great time with them.. everyone is as crappy as ever.. good laughs.. oh ya.. one more thing.. I realised the 4 guys can be quite creative actually.. Wilson wrote his birthday wishes for CK using the format of the 4D/Toto paper.. JR wrote his in a simple but interesting manner.. Marcus input his "England Power" into his card.. whereas Phil decorated the card using some fanciful handwriting.. not too bad.. ooooooooo.. thinking abt it.. I am still not done with mine yet.. hee..
Recieved more photos from CK.. here they are!

Compare my IC's photo and ME now.. oooo?

I Love to eat Cotton Candy!

CK & Me.. Remind me of the song - 'You're unbelievable'
He loves to drink? NAH!
That's all folks! Ciao!
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