went out with my colleagues (Wahila, Jam, Lissa and Eleanor) on last evening for dinner.. Wahila suggested The Rice Table at Sun Tec City.. FANTASTIC! I love the Indonesia food at that resturant.. i had been there with CK & his poly classmates in Jan this year.. wanted to go back n try again.. but it just kept on forgetting abt it.. well.. this resturant is actually [All You Can Eat-Rijsttafel Set Dinner].. each person paid about S$23.40.. and it is free for children under 5 years old.. haha.. that means Maia and Jordan got a free meal each.. wahaha..

Our table at The Rice Table
The menu looks tempting.. and my mouth watered as i reminisced the dinner last night.. i rem there was a total of abt 20 dishes.. they will serve you white rice together with the dishes.. ALL the 20 dishes will be served at the 1st round.. subsequently.. you can add on those dishes that you fancy.. pros and cons for this idea.. for a first timer.. you get to try all the 20 dishes.. however.. it would be really wasteful if you dun take certain food and they still serve you like the rest.. well.. that depends on individuals.. hee.. cheers.. =)
The Vanda Staff - Jam, Eleanor, Lissa, Angeline (ME) & Wahila
checked the net for more info on this resturant.. there is another branch at Cuppage and International Plaza.. and decided to cut and paste the menu onto my blog.. simply to tempt those ppl who love good food.. (yes.. i am referring to u.. MARCUS & JOELLE).. wahaha..
Achar = Pickled Cucumber
Gado - Gado = Salad in Peanut Sauce
Rudjak Manis = Fruit Salad
Sayur Lodeh = Vegetable Stew
Ayam Penggang = Grillled Chicken
Daging Rendang = Spicy Beef Stew
Ayam Kalio = Chicken Curry
Tahu Telor = Tofu Omlette
Kangkong Belachan = Waterconvoluulus
Perkedel Jagung = Potato - Corn Fritter
Terong Kecap = Eggplant in Soya Sauce
Ikan Goreng = Fried Fish
Sate Ayam = Chicken Satay
Sambal Udang = Spicy Prawns
Ikan Bilis = Fried Anchovics
Ayam Goreng = Fried Chicken
Sotong Asam = Spicy - Sour Cuttlefish
Otak = Grilled Fishcake
Tahu Kuning = Curried Tofu

The table FULL of FOOD
was a good dinner.. enjoyed myself thoroughly.. had a good chat with them.. of course when THE LADIES got together.. we can just go on yakking for hours.. plus the contagious laughter!! haha.. the children had their fair share of fun.. running in and out of the resturant throught the bamboo pillars.. playing catching and chasing each other run and run the place.. cheers.. =)
Wahila & I looked satisified after the BUFFET
yup.. abt the CONTAINER TRUCKS' CARPARK at East Coast Park.. i am simply too lazy to blog abt it.. maybe you can refer to Marcus's blog for the adventure.. wahaha.. thanks! **beams**.. gotta go to MacDonalds' at KAP.. craving for fries.. gng to drive over to get some for MYSELF.. (yes.. n put on more weight).. wahaha.. have a good day.. two more days to TGIF! (n my birthday too) cheers.. =)
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