Just finished my tuition.. most prob i am gng to nap till 6 plus after blogging.. feeling sleepy again.. hee..
went out to meet my financial advisor (Pauline.. CK introduced us) after work yesterday.. she HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that i surrendered my PruCash Policy asap.. because that plan doesnt suit my needs AT ALL.. it caters to ppl who have the spare cash to be involved in a 25 years MATURATION time span.. argh.. as a result.. i had to bear the lost of S$2,528.46.. FUCK IT! that is a HUGH SUM OF MONEY TO ME NOW MAN! especially when i need the cash to go for my Bachelor.. if Blogger allows me to type [FUCK IT] ALL OVER MY BLOG.. yes.. i will.. this policy doesnt make sense to me AT ALL after Pauline had explained the sums clearly.. y shd someone paid ard S$210.00 monthly to only get a sum insured of merely S$30,500.. whereas another insurance company is offering a monthy premium of $100.00 and the sum insured reaches as high as S$100,000.00.. if that eg is still not clear enough.. let put words in this way.. u can pay Insurance Comany ABC S$26.00 and they give u S$1000.000.. on the other hand.. Insurance Company XYZ collects S$8.00 from u and they return u S$1000.00.. if u pass KINDERGARTEN maths.. u shd be able to understand this simple concept.. FUCK IT!
ferget it.. i rather cut loses now than to punch in more money and SEE NO RETURNS.. because apparently.. i DO get some cash value by the third year (PruCash policy said so).. which is a pathetic sum of S$1500.00.. after the S$7500.00 that i had given them for the three years.. i rather lose S$2528.46 NOW.. and change my policy.. once bitten twice shy.. i will definitely be more cautious when i sign up for any new policy.. a gentle reminder to all my dear friends.. if u havent sign up for any insurance policy yet.. pls look for one that cater to ur needs.. and not one that will EAT u up eventually.. my best wishes.. =)
right.. money aside.. let talk about entertainment.. went out with CK, Marcus and Joelle to watch [Sinking of Japan] last night.. decided to go for the show at ard 7 plus..haha.. booked the tickets and met up ard 11 plus.. cheers..

The movie poster of [Sinking of Japan]
okie.. 3 stars for the movie.. i particularly enjoyed the graphics.. such a sight to see 'real-life' buildings collasping right in front of u.. the bonus was the chain explosion that broke off the plate.. (Marcus thought it was rather fake).. haha.. a geographical movie? most probabaly.. since i studied History when i was in IJ.. (so did Joelle.. we were in the same class and sat beside each other).. i didnt manage to understand some parts of the scientific explanations that were given by the mesy hair guy (okie.. apparently he acted as a smart-ass scientist).. hm.. n i agreed with the rest.. it was QUITE a 'draggy' movie.. right.. CK proposed that if u have the time to kill.. this movie will entertain u throughout.. cheers..
HOME-SWEET-HOME after the movie.. no plans for tonight yet.. maybe chicken wings at Toa Payoh Lorong 8 or Ba Chor Mee at Lorong 4? haha.. finally i am beginning to think of eating food.. Marcus showed me SUPER REVOLTING photogrpah.. it depicts a woman's breast being infested with maggots.. I SWEAR.. u can practically see the maggots in the holes of the woman's breast.. she had caught a rare South American/Africa (i forgot which is which) virus and the insect laid eggs on the bra that she had purchased.. the eggs hatched when she wore the bra.. and there u go.. the maggots grew in her BREAST.. making holes and eating away her breast flesh.. damn gross.. (i rem the story as such.. Marcus got a better idea of it.. ask him if u want to know more).. the thought of the photogrpah evokes puking instantly.. I AM SERIOUS.. well.. i didnt read the warning and i was happily eating a bar of chocolate when i saw the photograph.. i threw away the ENTIRE bar and went straight to PUKE.. there goes my lunch.. DAMN! sorry.. i dun have the URL to that website.. (pls contact Marcus for more info.. thank you).. wahaha..
will like to say a big [Thank You] to Wayne for helping me to fix my blog.. **muacks**.. FYI.. i had lost two entires in MY OWN ATTMEPT TO TROUBLESHOOT.. i admit i am a HTML idert.. i am a HTML idert.. i am a HTML idert.. wahaha..
'RINGGGGGGGGGGGGG'.. it's time for nap-nap.. bye.. have a good sat night.. boo-gee boo-gee.. hee.. cheers.. =)
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