The new promotion from McDonald's
(Obvious Targets = CHILDREN & Invisible Targets = Parents because they PAY)
The new promotion from McDonald's
(Obvious Targets = CHILDREN & Invisible Targets = Parents because they PAY)
PN Lilies - 'L.O.V.E.'
N2 Tulips - 'Hi He Lo Me Lo'
K1 - 'San Zhi Hu Die'
K1 - 'Move Your Body'
K2 - 'Fan Dance'
K2 - 'We Go Together'Finale - 'Wo Ai Xi Zhao'
Lay Sim
Here are some photos of my Violets in their Mandarin performance's costumes.. they were being packaged as pretty flowers by the Mandarin teacher.. I wonder y too.. especially when the title of the song is 'Ha Ha Xiao'.. more pictures of the concert will be posted at a later date.. pls tk note.. cheers.. =)
I had enjoyed myself thoroughly yesterday.. after the tiring event.. my colleagues and I drove over to Coffee Bean at Sixth Avenue.. including me that were 5 of us (Lissa, Shu Ping, Wa, Jam and I la).. took an hour plus lunch there.. decided to try the egg 'n' salmon muffin breakfast set(It is the Breakfast-All-Day' set meal).. I will recommend the egg ben breakfast set as well.. YUMMY!! The 5 WOMEN gossiped and gossiped and gossiped after the satsifying lunch! cheers! That is wat i called bonding time.. and the activity = GOSSIPING! wahaha!!
Yesterday was GOOD day for me partly because I discovered a secret.. hm.. not exactly a secret.. but it made me happy.. haha.. here the story goes.. Wa and I wanted to fag after dinner.. (Lissa, Wa, Jordan and I went out after work for dinner n gai-gai).. but we cant.. firstly.. Jordan is old enough to tell on us (Jam knows but Jason doesnt).. and he understands what is meant by smoking.. erm.. dun want to influence & poison him.. haha.. and both of us had no clues what does the 'big girl' (Lissa) thinks abt people who smokes.. so we both tried to drop hints over dinner.. and AT LEAST.. we cant tk it anymore.. decided to smoke.. so the plan was to ask Jordan to sleep in the car while we took a fag outside.. along the way to pick up the car.. we asked Lissa if she knew wat we were thinking.. and she laughed very loudly.. and made the fagging action.. wow! so smart eh.. and she told us she is a social SMOKER too.. wahaha.. peng.. in the end.. the trio smoked outside the car while Jordan slept peacefully in the car.. hee.. cheers.. I was quite shocked to know Lissa smoked because she looks so decent and the best part is she had been smoking since sec school.. and she is like almost 29 this year.. wow.. my senior eh (she is also from convent).. NOW.. we can start gng to the bank together in the afternoon.. wahaha.. cheers.. =)
right.. I am gng to take my dinner now.. HUNGRY! **roars**.. have a great sat night.. cheers.. =)
The advertisement that tempted me
My REAL present = make-up pouch
The Beef Lasagna
CK & I in the car
Donovan & Claudia & Joshua
Birthday Boy (Joshua) & I
And I realised that my class was actually HAPPY to see me on a SUNDAY.. i dun understand y at all.. they came foward and greeted me when they saw me.. and turned to tell their friends that I had arrived.. huh? kids is the only answer that I could find.. but I was very sure that they had great fun playing the games.. I cant really understand the meaning of the games at all.. I supposed they were meant to entertain the children.. one game requires the two groups of children to change one of their friend into the MacDonald's uniform.. and the winner would be the first one who got dressed.. (NOTE: THE UNIFORM IS ADULT SIZE.. AND MY CHILDREN ARE ALL 4 YEARS OLD).. well.. once again.. I HAPPILY presumed that it was all for the sake of FUN!
The children were playing games!
Matilda & I at the Party
MUM MUM TIME!! the children rushed back to their seats and waited to be served.. of course they WERE JUBILANT.. anyone would be.. they could choose MacNuggets or Fish Dippers for the main course.. the French Fries or Corn Cup or Apple Dippers for side orders and Milk (NO ONE CHOOSE THAT) or Apple Juice or Milo for drinks.. wow.. they were SO SO SO HAPPY.. wahaha.. and of course I HELPED them.. went over to volunteer my professional services to the parents.. settled the children down and prepared the sauces for them.. I felt that I WAS WORKING!
The children were having a BALL!
TIME TO CUT THE CAKE! the lights went off and the MacDonald's crew played the birthday song and brought the cake in.. the children were so excited.. jumping up and down in joy.. screaming their heads off.. and well.. being the TEACHER.. my threshold of noise is unreasonably low.. so I SAID [ALRIGHT[.. and there was SLIENCE.. no one said anything after that.. I WAS SO EMBARRASSED.. however the parents were so amazed with the magic word that work on their children.. **grin**
PR with my parents as well.. talked abt next year placement.. their children's developement.. current issues.. and disciplinary problems.. saw a different side of them while they WERE NOT in school.. more relaxed.. more easy-going.. more approachable.. and Claudia (Joshua's mum) joked with me.. asked me how did I manage to handle all of them every day.. haha.. and to serve them 3 times a day (morning snack + lnuch + afternoon snack).. I dunno.. part of my work i guess.. cheers..
Left shortly after that.. need to pick up my parents for dinner.. I guess Joshua LOVE the birthday present that I chose for him.. it was a Thomas & Friends' Bag.. because he brought it to school on Tuesday.. wahaha.. cheers.. =)
Joshua & Ye Joon
Lay Sim & SausanTan Jing & George
Step 1: Put the MENTOS into a bottle of COCA COLA.
Step 3: The BUBBLING continues..........
Steo 5: IT stopped.
right.. i had no idea how long did the entire experiment takes.. well.. doesnt matter.. just to highlight to friends who read my blog.. cheers.. =)
The method of wearing the condom in less than 10 secs!
gotta run.. thinking of gng to IKEA for shopping.. bye.. cheers.. =)
Matilda & Joshua Superman was GEORGE!
Jackson was the DEVIL!
I just love all these pictures that i had taken.. they were just so cute in their costumes.. other than that.. i reserve my comments.. cheers.. =)
went out with my colleagues (Wahila, Jam, Lissa and Eleanor) on last evening for dinner.. Wahila suggested The Rice Table at Sun Tec City.. FANTASTIC! I love the Indonesia food at that resturant.. i had been there with CK & his poly classmates in Jan this year.. wanted to go back n try again.. but it just kept on forgetting abt it.. well.. this resturant is actually [All You Can Eat-Rijsttafel Set Dinner].. each person paid about S$23.40.. and it is free for children under 5 years old.. haha.. that means Maia and Jordan got a free meal each.. wahaha..
Our table at The Rice Table
The menu looks tempting.. and my mouth watered as i reminisced the dinner last night.. i rem there was a total of abt 20 dishes.. they will serve you white rice together with the dishes.. ALL the 20 dishes will be served at the 1st round.. subsequently.. you can add on those dishes that you fancy.. pros and cons for this idea.. for a first timer.. you get to try all the 20 dishes.. however.. it would be really wasteful if you dun take certain food and they still serve you like the rest.. well.. that depends on individuals.. hee.. cheers.. =)
The Vanda Staff - Jam, Eleanor, Lissa, Angeline (ME) & Wahila
checked the net for more info on this resturant.. there is another branch at Cuppage and International Plaza.. and decided to cut and paste the menu onto my blog.. simply to tempt those ppl who love good food.. (yes.. i am referring to u.. MARCUS & JOELLE).. wahaha..
Achar = Pickled Cucumber
Gado - Gado = Salad in Peanut Sauce
Rudjak Manis = Fruit Salad
Sayur Lodeh = Vegetable Stew
Ayam Penggang = Grillled Chicken
Daging Rendang = Spicy Beef Stew
Ayam Kalio = Chicken Curry
Tahu Telor = Tofu Omlette
Kangkong Belachan = Waterconvoluulus
Perkedel Jagung = Potato - Corn Fritter
Terong Kecap = Eggplant in Soya Sauce
Ikan Goreng = Fried Fish
Sate Ayam = Chicken Satay
Sambal Udang = Spicy Prawns
Ikan Bilis = Fried Anchovics
Ayam Goreng = Fried Chicken
Sotong Asam = Spicy - Sour Cuttlefish
Otak = Grilled Fishcake
Tahu Kuning = Curried Tofu
The table FULL of FOOD
was a good dinner.. enjoyed myself thoroughly.. had a good chat with them.. of course when THE LADIES got together.. we can just go on yakking for hours.. plus the contagious laughter!! haha.. the children had their fair share of fun.. running in and out of the resturant throught the bamboo pillars.. playing catching and chasing each other run and run the place.. cheers.. =)
Wahila & I looked satisified after the BUFFET
yup.. abt the CONTAINER TRUCKS' CARPARK at East Coast Park.. i am simply too lazy to blog abt it.. maybe you can refer to Marcus's blog for the adventure.. wahaha.. thanks! **beams**.. gotta go to MacDonalds' at KAP.. craving for fries.. gng to drive over to get some for MYSELF.. (yes.. n put on more weight).. wahaha.. have a good day.. two more days to TGIF! (n my birthday too) cheers.. =)