celebrated mid autumn festival aka lantern festival aka mooncake festival.. hm.. so many names for just one festival.. seems rather werid to me.. n i rem there are a couple of myths and legands that come along with this festival.. for eg.. chang-e and hou yi.. or was it chang-e and the jade rabbit.. and i rem there is a story that hid messages in the mooncakes for rebel purposes.. haha.. so many different stories.. doesnt matter.. i cant rem much.. n i dun need to tell my kids the stories.. haha..
hm.. i can only rem that 'ba yue shi wu de yue liang chui yuan'.. haha.. hopefully i got that right.. I THINK SO.. i dun think my chinese is that pathetic until i cant get that right.. hm.. i was trying to say that moon on the 15th of the eight lunar month is the roundest.. and on this special day.. i can eat mooncakes.. i can eat pomelo.. and i can drink chinese tea.. hm.. not that on others day.. u cant do it.. NO ONE WILL DO IT.. haha.. well.. i think b4 this day.. i had been drowning myself with LOTSA OF MOONCAKES.. i doubt i will want to eat another one today.. as a matter of fact.. i rem starting eating mooncakes rather early this yr.. till now.. i guess my family had at least gobbled down 10 BOXES OF MOONCAKES.. regardless they are the baked kinds or the snow skin ones.. haha.. impressive.. isnt it..
i celebrated with ck last night.. as he is gng to have his meeting tonight.. hm.. is okie la.. i can go home n rest early as well.. anyway the haze is so bad.. will be good to stay indoors as well.. haha.. it was quite a simple celebration.. we played with the paper lanterns that i bought for my kids to play with today.. and made a 'A' from candles.. everyone made the heart shape.. nothing new.. n since both our names start with the letter 'a'.. i suggested making 'a' with the candles.. was quite fun.. i took a photo of it.. simply awesome.. haha.. n he helped me to light up a PINK lantern.. haha..

Ck with the pink lantern.. haha.. =)
went to school to celebrated the festival with my kids.. boy.. they enjoyed themselves thoroughly.. i dunno if it was their first experience celebrating mid autumn festival.. but they seem rather worried to carry the lighted lanterns.. haha.. they were commenting that they were scared that it would catch fire.. or they were too tired to carry the lanterns.. haha.. but they were STILL THRILLED to see the lanterns glowing brightly in the dark.. i actually switched off the lights in my room.. first time my kids were WALKING in the dark QUIETLY.. haha.. amazing..
George with his green lantern
Joshua with his red lantern
from l-r: Tan Jing, Guinevere, Joshua & Ye Joon
oh ya.. I MADE SNOW SKIN MOONCAKE TODAY.. really.. i did i did i did.. a parent of mine give me the recipe and passed me the dough, red bean paste and the mould.. so i decided to demonstrate to my kids how to make mooncakes.. and i was just trying to use LOGICAL THINKING to makethe mooncake from the given materials and ingredients.. haha.. first i took some dough and rolled it into a ball.. flatten it.. then took some red bean paste n rolled it into a ball.. and put it in the middle of the dough.. then i used the dough to cover the red bean paste and rolled it into a ball.. the i put it into the mould and pressed gently.. then i KNOCKED HARD ( I MEAN DAMN BLOODY HARD) on the table to get the mooncake out.. yesh yesh yesh.. i did it! haha.. really.. n my kids told me that the mooncake tasted good k.. haha.. even my director said it was good.. haha.. i must try again next year.. must let ck try it.. haha..

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