Can u even see a space to SHOWER without knocking into the TOILET BOWL? ARGH!!!
OTHER than that.. everything else was FANTASTIC! recieved my 4th bouquet of flowers from CK.. till now.. i still dunno what was it.. i did ask CK.. but he told me it was picked from the rubbish bin.. and to make it more lame.. the name of the flower was 'La Ji Tong De Hua'.. it just happened so that there were 5 stalks in the bouquet.. to match his frequency.. i named each of them after the individual chinese word.. wahaha..

'La Ji Tong De Hua'
CK got a Green Tea cake & a bottle of Carbnet Sauvignon (red wine) for the celebration.. **yum yum**.. the red wine was [GOOD].. i mean really good.. the green tea cake tasted excellent **muacks**.. but we only managed to eat less than one quarter of it.. the rest were INFESTED with ants when we came back from our dinner.. argh.. such a waste! i love it! strong in green tea flavour.. doesnt taste that CREAMY (nauseous).. alright.. at least we ate some! **wink**

My 23rd GREEN TEA birthday cake!
Sing [Happy Birthday] to ME!
Blur, Candid, Loving.
OF course i got my birthday presentS from CK too! YeaH! and MAYBE more to come? hee.. cheers.. =)
k.. time to hit the shower.. have a good week ahead.. cheers.. =)
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