I shall officically ANNOUNCE that Ms Angeline had finished her year-end reports.. wahaha.. i have been working on them for the past 2 to 3 weeks.. now that they are all completed.. i am ready to slack abit.. haha.. cheers to that..
let's start from sunday.. wanted to blog it down.. but i was too lazy n plus i need to relief for my colleagues who went on leave.. practically.. i have no time..
went over to CK's cousin's house at bishan on sunday night.. was quite a last min decision.. her name is Jessie.. she had a husband called Victor.. a son called Victor Junior.. n a daughter called Kelly.. haha.. junior is so CUTE & CHARMING & SHY & everyone i want in a GUY (too bad he is just 4 years old).. haha.. she rang CK in the evening to invite us over to her place for late night matches of the EPL.. y not.. since we are both 'free'.. hee.. drove over at ard 9.. WE GOT LOST.. not because i lost my way again.. someone else got HIS way.. and the parking at bishan is 'HORRIGBLE' (not english = my language).. we went round n round n round n round n round n round n round the CARPARK.. no empty lots.. argh.. tested CK's 3-pt turn.. well.. ITS GOOD.. much better than mine.. haha..
finally got a space at the multi-storey carpark at somewhere else (that means i dunno where).. haha.. this is my first visit there.. but i had met the family before.. but there were at least 4 families there.. haha.. n i LOVE the house.. it was dimmly lit.. with candles.. wow.. ROMANTIC eh.. the rest were cousin steve (wife with MIL).. and three pairs of neighbours.. that lives across her flat (Angela & Lum), beside her flat (Glenn & wife = at home) and above her flat (Paul n Bee Ling).. this is their so-called gathering cum parties.. the children will play in the playroom and the ladies will sit at the table n chit chat (gossip).. the guys will watch the EPL matches..
that night.. we opened a total of 4 bottles of red wine.. n i alone took about half a bottle.. n i need to drive home later.. haha.. we also went house-hopping to take a look at the neighbour's house decor.. i really LOVE it.. because all of them knocked down a piece of wall to combine two rooms n make way for my FAV WALK-IN.. haha.. **HINT HINT**
the night passed rather quickly and i had a fabulous time.. thanks to the man beside me (CK) n his cousins & neighbours.. cheers
now come monday's night.. day was the normal stuff.. WORK WORK N MORE WORK.. haha.. =)
went out with CK, Marcus, Joelle, Britez & Zhong He for midnight steamboat buffet at Bukit Timah (Xian De Lai).. one of my favourite place if i am looking for steamboat now.. highly recommended by Britez.. hee.. it is Shanghainese steamboat buffet.. so u can more variety of their local food.. like my favourites = Shanghainese Meat Ball.. Chives dumplings.. Shanghainese bean curd.. n they also provided everyone's favourite = MEAT BALLS.. beef fillet.. chicken fillet.. pork fillet.. glass noodles.. hand-made noodles.. hotdogs.. crabsticks.. lettuce.. white cabbage.. pork's liver.. n blah blah blah (the menu contained much more food that i can rem).. grin..
we ate from ard 12.00am till 2.30am.. 2 and a half hours of eating (some of us took intervals).. too stuffed!! n we ordered about 3 or was it 4 rounds of food.. talked n eat.. talked n eat.. talked n eat some more.. wahaha..
was deciding where to go.. when our taxi driver friend (Marcus.. because he knows the way damn bloody well) suggested driving over to Krangi Dam.. Britez and Zhong He decided to go pa tor by themselves (movie at Cine).. that fellow is able to give the direction.. and the exact route to take.. wahaha.. with him around.. it is kinda hard to get lost.. UNLESS u are in the jungle.. but no worries still.. my MAN read the map VERY WELL.. he can walk out of a forest given a map and a compass.. haha..
it was a LONG drive down to Kranji Dam (Dun ask me the route.. i was half-asleep most of the time).. all i can see when i opened my eyes was TREES.. TREES n MORE TREES.. n not forgetting to mention TOMBSTONES.. i vaguely rem we passed by Jalan Bahar.. Muslim Cemetery.. n the satellites .. no more..
WE reached the destination after nearly 45 mins drive.. indeed an adventure for me.. because i only go to places like Toa Payoh.. Bishan.. Commonwealth.. Town.. City Hall.. Bukit Timah in Singapore.. haha.. the dam was ALRIGHT.. i was promised a fantastic view and refreshing air.. i took a long look at Kranji Dam.. n that was it.. went home after that.. i was still thinking the FANTASTIC view means that i would get to see the dam that i saw on the movie 'Silk'.. nothing close.. but still ALRIGHT.. **shoot at Mr M**

CK parked the car here.. n someone else took the photo.. =)
oh ya.. we SAW MALAYSIA.. it was just across the dam.. n CK was so excited to annouce that piece of land opposite is MALAYSIA.. because we went to Kent Ridge Park.. he looked across and told me that is Malaysia.. we went to Labrador Park.. he looked across and told me that is Malaysia.. i nearly fainted.. although i am not a GEO student.. i still know my mapping relatively well.. grin..
time check = 6.40pm.. time for dinner.. i am hungry.. stomach doesnt feel too well.. must be something that i have eaten (but the question is because of today's brunch or last night's supper?).. doesnt matter.. it is still painful.. argh..
have a good week ahead to all.. cheers.. =)
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