Before the start of the workshop, the representative from MOH apologised for holding the workshop at such a far end of Singapore. (FYI: The workshop was held at Republic Polytechnic - WOODLANDS) She went on to explain that the rest of the polytechnics were fully booked due to their Open House and Republic Polytechnic was newly opened at this venue and it has a good infrastructure and ...
Angeline turned over to ask Oh-Tai, "What is her point?" Oh-Tai answered, "What is her point?" Angeline shrugged.
After promoting RP, the rep began her presentation on CDLens - the new MOH online system for schools in Singapore. That implies the beginning of Angeline's cam whoring. Oh-Tai and Papan got robbed in too. Being the ASEAN beauties, they were too happy to play along with me. *click click click*
"This new system will help to electrify our Form A and Form B online..." Angeline, Oh-Tai and Papan heard it CLEARLY or at least something along that line. Oh-Tai immediately imitated the "electric shock" face to show that she is not that Oh-Tai after all. Angeline and Papan contributed their two cents worth by laughing out loud. Angeline will like to add that the rep from MOH has demonstrated the meaning of "Singlish" perfectly. *BISH*
Angeline didn't not remember anything after laughing and cam whoring in the auditorium. Why? Because Angeline fell alseep la! What why? No why!

Republic Polytechnic's Auditorium
MOH Representative cum Singlish Demonstrator
This was how Angeline sat at the workshop.
Angeline & Oh-Tai's attempt to cam-whore.
Angeline and Oh-Tai had shown great improvement soon after.
But Angeline and Oh-Tai wanted to look pretty too.
Papan and Oh-Tai gave up totally.
The 3 of us gave up altogether.
Honestly, the workshop started at 3.00pm and ended at 3.00pm. That was why Angeline, Oh-Tai and Papan walked out of the auditorium very very happy. On paper, it stated that it would commerce at 2.30pm and end promptly at 5.30pm. The 3 of us were given half day leave in lieu. Angeline shall repeat herself. Those who are not supposed to know about this are STILL NOT supposed to know. Baa!
The 3 women decided to go to Causeway Point for Ya Kun's Kaya Toast. Angeline and Oh-Tai were especially happy about it, NOT because they like the coffee or the kaya toast a lot. It was because Papan was so sweet to give Angeline and Oh-Tai a treat. Wow! Rare treat leh. Considering Papan's previous nickname was "Every Cent Counts". Angeline would like to say "THANK YOU" to Papan.

The 2 happy women!
Angeline loves Papan.
Oh-Tai loves Papan.
Angeline and Oh-Tai love Papan.
After that, Oh-Tai went to rendenzvous with someone (BB doesn't read my blog, so its okie!), Papan went home to wait for "Hope ul be home soon", Angeline went for class. Conlusion: Angeline is getting boring!
Papan: If you read this entry, please don't laugh too loud.
Oh-Tai: If you read this entry, please don't laugh as loud as Papan.
Teacher-of-my-ex-students: If you read this entry, please laugh at them!