Consumer Advice: Mature content
Language: Mandarin with English subtitles
Cast: YANG Kuei-Mei, Ananda EVERINGHAM, LOO Zihan, XU Er, Katashi CHEN, Isabella CHEN, Jeszlene ZHOU, Ian Francis LOW, Vincent TEE Soo Poo, Theresa CHUA Yunn Chin Director: Ekachai UEKRONGTHAM
Running time: 84 min
A series of intertwining tales involve 'pleasure seekers and pleasure providers' during the course of one night in Geylang, Singapore's red-light district. There are three distinct stories, united only by the presence of characters from all the stories in a streetside eatery.
Jonathan, who has yet to lose his virginity, is escorted around Geylang by his army buddy, Kiat, who wants to help his friend make his passage into manhood. The two men visit various brothels, where the touts bestow the various qualities and nationalities of their women, who hail from China, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, India and elsewhere. Jonathan eventually settles on a young Chinese woman whom he envisions being wrapped in a towel.
A teenage girl is called to meet an experienced pleasure provider in a hotel room, where she is servicing a heavyset older man, who wants to take the younger girl's virginity. The girl is followed to the hotel by a young man named Chris. When she goes in the hotel room, Chris sits outside and waits.
A jaded prostitute in a red dress gets in a convertible with a man. She later shows up at the streetside restaurant and pays a young busker for his 'special song', which he doesn't end up singing, and instead is taken back to the woman's room.
Credits: Cathay Cineplex & Wikipedia
Ck & I caught the movie last saturday at Shaw Towers. I walked out of the cinema bewildered. Throughout the movie, I had asked Ck a total of 3 times if the movie was going to end soon. Each time, he replied, "The running time states that the show is less than one and a half hour. Soon, dear." That must have been one of the longest 84 minutes of my life.
Indeed, this movie was too artistic for me to enjoy. The stories were jumbled up and the changing of scenes confused me even more. To me, there is no logical flow of events and it took me some time to figure what was happening throughout the movie. It was indeed a test of my intelligence and patience.
However, I wouldn't deny that there were certain parts of this movie that I had enjoyed.
The NS boy (Jonathan) took out a few boxes of condoms and asked the prostitute, "ni xi huan you na yi ge?" (Which one do you prefer to use?) He then went on to promote the condoms literally. For example, "zhe ge ke yi sha ..." (This one can kill... - you-know-what.), "Zhe ge heng bao, bi jiao you gan jue. (This one is thin and got better feel.) & "Zhe ge you kou wei de. (This one got flavour.) To which she replied, "ni yi ci guo ke yi you zhe yang duo ah?" (You mean you can use so many condoms at one go?) - WAHAHA!
While the NS boy (Jonathan) was making out with the prostitute in the room, his friend (Kiat) was waiting for him outside. Unfortunately, he was harrassed by a pimp who tried very HARD to clinch a deal with him. The pimp said, "ru huo ni xi huan hei se de, wo ye ke yi jie shao yin du de nu hai gei ni. (If you like Indian girls, I can also recommend you.) - WOOHOO!
The NS boys parted way after they left the brothel, with Kiat looking rather 'tulan' (pissed off). He walkd aimlessly around Geylang and stopped in front of a vending machine. He stared hard at the machine and images appeared. Two bodies intertwined closely and the guy began to kiss his lover softly, the neck, the ear, the neck again and then the nipples on the rather-muscular chest. - EXPECTED!
The jaded prostitute gave her client a blow job in his BMW convertible along the busy streets of Geylang. She was picked up by the client along the road, and she got into his car. As he drove off, she lowered her head and the action began. - STUNNED!
The client drove to an open-space carpark and parked the car there. The client leaned against the back seat and they made out with the jaded prostitute working on top of him. Because it was a BMW convertible, the jaded prostitute was filmed thrusting in and out literally. - AROUSED!

After the teengage girl was unable to give the client a satisfying blow job, he asked for the experienced pleasure provider (EPP) to do it for him. She walked to him calmly and smashed the lamp on his head. - GOOD FOR HIM!
The EPP, teenage girl and Chris went for supper together. The girl walked away for a while leaving the EPP and Chris together. The EPP then started smoking and offered one to Chris. He accpeted and she attempted to light it for him. For what-so-ever reason/s, the lighter decided to go on strike and he ended up using her cigrette as the igniter. - AWESOME!
The EPP and Chris tried to communicate with each other using gestures (EPP not knowing any English and Chris not knowing any Chinese). The EPP took out a photograph of her daughter when she was young and told Chris that she is 'piao liang' (pretty). Chris nodded and repeated 'piao liang' after her. - TOUCHING!

The jaded prostitute apparently paid a busker to sing her a 'special song'. He then followed her home. When she was home, she went to take a shower while the busker waited for her in the room. For what-so-ever reason/s (again), he started to stripped. And for what-so-ever reason/s (once again), he put back all his clothes when she came out of the shower. - LAME!

The movie started with the teenage girl looking at fishes in the aquarium and it ended with the bf looking at fishes in his aquarium at home. - GOOD ANALOGY!
Overall Rating: 2.5 stars / 5 stars